The juicy watermelon
The watermelon mmm!! it was fresh watermelon it looked
We all got a peace of the green and red delicious watermelon.
We got to smell the legores peace of the green and red
It smelt like the average smell.
The bottom of the the watermelon was lampy like a big rock!
We all got a peace of the green and red delicious watermelon.
We got to smell the legores peace of the green and red
It smelt like the average smell.
The bottom of the the watermelon was lampy like a big rock!
As i look around all I see is juice on most faces in our
class room. At the end I look around and most people
in our classroom ate there green and red thing.
The red and green thing was as juicy as an orange.
class room. At the end I look around and most people
in our classroom ate there green and red thing.
The red and green thing was as juicy as an orange.
Did you know that a watermelon is an fruit?
After we ate them it was all most time for morning tea
it was the red and green thing is oval shaped.
Did you know in japan
red and green things are square?
Did you know that square watermelon cost over 200 dollars
in japan?
this is my watermelon hope you like it it took me a caple days like two. next time i should draw a little faster. I'm proud of my drawing on the left side.
After we ate them it was all most time for morning tea
it was the red and green thing is oval shaped.
Did you know in japan
red and green things are square?
Did you know that square watermelon cost over 200 dollars
in japan?

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